Date(s) - 19/03/2018
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meeting point
9 chemin du Feuillet, CH 1255 Veyrier
Personal and cultural values drive the behaviour we perceive when interacting with people. But how can we detect these values? How do we deal with different values, especially in international contexts? How do we not get stuck in opposing values but make a step towards each other to co-create and co-work constructively?
The values and development square (a coaching model by Paul Helwig / Friedemann Schulz von Thun) provides eye-opening answers when used in intercultural situations. It paves the way for getting out of a bipolar way of looking at different values and cultural dimensions. It helps to understand the values behind behaviour and to consciously adjust one’s reaction to get out of one-way communication. The scope of application is wide: our everyday life, at work, intrapersonally, in our human interactions but also in intercultural contexts – our main focus today.
Learning through experience: You will get to know the tool and practise it in your contexts. The leading questions will be: How does it work? How to use it? For whom is it suitable? When to use it? When not to use it?
Eva-Maria Hartwich is the Intercultural Trainer, Consultant & Coach behind Embrace Differences ( She has been training and coaching global teams, executives, expatriates and their partners. Her approach is personalised, interactive, solution-oriented and action-oriented.
Eva-Maria studied languages, translation and international relations in Grenoble (France) and Edinburgh (UK), and holds certificates in Intercultural Coaching and Intercultural Training from the University of Jena (Germany).
She worked for more than 10 years within international companies in France and Germany (tourism, media & language services, outdoor clothing & gear industry) and has a wide range of work experience in training, translation/subtitling, customer service, communication, web, PR & marketing. Eva-Maria has lived and worked abroad for more than 16 years in 10 countries, including 14 years in France. She speaks German, French, English and Spanish.
Free for SIETAR Switzerland members
Friends and Followers : CHF 25.-/participant.
Payment :
Upon registration/before the date of this workshop through our account
Zürcher Kantonalbank, Bahnhofstr. 9, 8001 Zürich
Account no. 1100-6323.482
IBAN CH58 0070 0110 0063 2348 2
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