SIETAR Switzerland 2025 Conference, Lucerne

Thursday 26 June (Sessions: A, B)

Parallel Sessions A 13:30 – 15:00

IL01: Mary Gene Saudelli and Suzan Snaggs-Wilson

Are We There Yet?: Discourse Analysis of Interviews of 3 Women Leaders
Track: Research

IL02: Sanne Bosma and Marcel van der Poel

Beyond Borders: Integrating Biology into Intercultural Communication and DEI Training
Track: Practice Oriented

MM1: Gianni D’Amato, Ganga Jey Aratnam and Paula Nestea – Moderated by Katharina Addington-Lefringhausen

Shaping the Future of Migration: Rethinking Research on Refugees and their Host Societies
Track: Migration Matters

Note: If you are just registering for the MM sessions and not the full conference, please email and include your name, university or company, email address.

Parallel Sessions B 16:00 – 17:30


IL04: Carlos Nunez, Edwin Hagenbeek and Raya Nunez Mahdi

Culture, Health Care and Servant Leadership
Track: Practice Oriented

MM2: Anne-Claude Lambelet

Embracing the Work Done by Institutions Supporting Migrants and Those Who Support Them: Rethinking Our Practice in an Evolving Context
Track: Migration Matters

Note: If you are just registering for the MM sessions and not the full conference, please email and include your name, university or company, email address.

Friday 27 June (Sessions: C, D, E, F)

Parallel Sessions C 11:00 – 11:45

IL05: Stefanie Neumann

Intercultural Coaching in Organisational Settings: Supporting Leaders in Becoming Culturally Savvy
Track: Practice Oriented

IL06: Pia Stalder, Malika Abentak, Kalidou Seydou Sy, Nanga Désiré Coulibaly, Amani Charles Yokoli and Colette Djadeu Nguemedyam

Responsible Global Management: From Theory to Practice
Track: Practice Oriented

IL07: Vincent Merk

Creating a New Leadership in STEM Education
Track: Higher Education

Parallel Sessions D 13:15 – 14:00

IL08: Claus Schreier, Nuntana Udomkit, Kevalin Puangyokeaw Setthakorn and Jillaine Farrar

Bricolage vs. Effectuation: Thai Entrepreneurs’ Blended Opportunity Creation Approach
Track: Research

IL09: Beth Yoder

The Unexpected Path to Intercultural Leadership: Embracing Informal Learning
Track: Practice Oriented

IL10: Gabor Holch

Back to Basics: Underrated Disruptions in Intercultural Executive Performance
Track: Practice Oriented

Parallel Sessions E 14:15 – 15:00

IL11: Myriam Callegarin

How to Shift Your Thinking: 5 Levels, 5 Outcomes
Track: Practice Oriented

IL12: Sibylle Ganz-Koechlin and Tebuho Winnie Kanyimba

How Do You Know What You Know? Knowledge – Power – Leadership
Track: Higher Education

IL13: Patricia Szobonya and Catherine Roche

Knowledge Diplomacy: Geopolitical Activism through Virtual Exchange
Track: Higher Education

Parallel Sessions F 15:30 – 16:15

IL14: Papa Balla Ndong

Leading Across Cultures: Empowering Intercultural Competence in Global Leadership
Track: Practice Oriented

IL15: Charles Obihara and Dorian Maarse

Connecting Medical Staff with a Diverse Patient Population: The Results of a Pilot-Training Program in an Oncology Hospital
Track: Practice Oriented

IL16: Martina Suter

Applying Intercultural Competence and Behaviour in Hybrid Leadership
Track: Research

Saturday 28 June (Sessions: G, H, I)

Parallel Sessions G 10:30 – 11:15

IL17: Angela Weinberger

Using Tech and Content to Coach Inclusive Leaders
Track: Practice Oriented

IL18: Nuntana Udomkit, Claus Schreier and Shu-Hsiang Chen

Sustainability Challenges: How to Keep Its Momentum During the Crisis?
Track: Research

IL19: Amna Ben Amara

From Democratic to Personalist Leadership: Learning Lessons from the Populist Models of Leadership
Track: Practice Oriented

Parallel Sessions H 11:30 – 12:15

IL20: Maria Stergiou

Authentic Listening: An Ontological Approach for Effective Intercultural Leadership
Track: Higher Education

IL21: Yaprak Dalat Ward

A Course Design: Leading Across Cultures
Track: Research

IL22: Glene Ribeiro

Intercultural Leadership: Leveraging Paraverbal Cues for Communication
Track: Practice Oriented

Parallel Sessions I 13:15 – 14:00

IL23: Anastasiia Grynko

Teaching Intercultural Competence in Higher Business Education: Students Expectations and Application of Case-Based Observation-Analysis-Reflection Method
Track: Higher Education

IL24: Lynn Williams

Acknowledging Multiple Voices: Lessons from Culturally Responsive Teaching
Track: Higher Education

IL25: Kyriaki Koukouraki

Cultural Competency in Action: Elevating Staff Skills for a Diverse World
Track: Higher Education

Parallel Sessions J 14:15 – 15:00

IL26: Bjørn Z. Ekelund

Diversity Icebreaker Across Disciplines and Cultures
Track: Practice Oriented

IL27: Oluwayemisi Ojo and Abiud Maosa Bosire

Intercultural Leadership in Higher Education: Creating Spaces for International Students Integration
Track: Higher Education

IL28: Geoffrey Bwireh

Intercultural Leadership in the Work of Congolese Refugees in Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Uganda
Track: Research

Poster Presentations

Almash Seidikenova 

Living in a Multicultural Environment: Mastering ‘Own and Foreign’ in Intercultural Communication

Adeoye Sodiq-Adekunle

Intercultural Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: Examining Strategies for Resolving Intercultural Conflicts in Diverse Organisational Settings

Michael Sullivan 

Building Bridges Across Cultures: Navigating the Space Between Us

Syed Zafar

Where Rubber Meets the Road: Impacting Lives with Cultural Knowledge