Date(s) - 23/10/2020 - 28/11/2020
5:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Please check out our Congress Program and Registration pages!
SWITZERLAND CONGRESS 2020 GOES VIRTUAL : The continued incertitude tied to the evolution of the COVID-19 situation and necessary risk management for all involved, makes it necessary for SIETAR Switzerland to switch its congress format to a virtual format for 2020.
We have retained a “dispersed” format for the congress, with sessions spread from October 23rd to November 28th,2020 and held individually. Moreover, by selecting a variety of times and dates, we will be creating further opportunities to connect together across the globe.
We are convinced that we can organise an original and relevant virtual event which allows for convivial networking.
The different sessions of our congress focus on living and working together, developing collaborative intelligence, global citizenship and getting ready to deal with the economic, climactic, intercultural and inter religious dialogue and migration challenges facing our world in the future. Our aim is to link latest research with concrete actions, best practices and grassroots initiatives.
Target audience: Practitioners, Organizations, NGOs, Educational Institutions, HR and I&D representatives from the corporate sector.
- All of our speakers have confirmed that they will participate,
- We have even planned lots of extras and built in plenty of networking opportunities,
- There are scholarships available for those who may not be able to finance their participation
- All full-time University students can join free-of-charge