The Migrant Game – Gundhild Höenig

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Date(s) - 12/01/2018
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

K5 Basler Kurszentrum
Gundeldingerstrasse 161


What is it like to be a refugee? More and more people are fleeing war and poverty. And even though the tragedies of migrants are making headlines, not many understand what it is like to be on the road to exile. This Learnshop-Game focuses on giving another perspective on migrants and refugees.

Come and step into a refugees’ shoes by playing this didactic game developed by Caritas. This unique multilingual tool is based on real life stories of migrants and refugees. As you re-live the unique itineraries of these women and men who have come from Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, the game allows you to

  • develop awareness, understanding and empathy for the situation of migrants and refugees upon arrival,
  • gain deeper insights on the impact of the intercultural dimension in the relation between migrants and their new country.

You should attend:

  • If you are interested to broaden your own understanding and are interested in this topic.
  • If you work with migrants and refugees such as International Organisations staff, NGO- and government personnel and charitable associations.
  • If you represent a company or are working in Human Resources, Talent Management, D&I, a Culture Group.
  • If you are a volunteer, teacher, intercultural trainer, translator, university researcher, representative of the police, medical professional, journalist or politician.

We like to encourage you: to exchange ideas across stakeholder groups – share your best practices and identify potential areas of joint action and collaboration.

Registration via email to

Pay cash at venue:
We will charge a fee of CHF 19 per participant to cover venue costs and refreshments. Discounts on request. Any left-over funds will be donated to Olla común and Caritas.

Registration, more information and questions – please contact us: