Program Congress 2022
Friday, May 13, 2022
From 2 pm
Registration in the Aula
4 - 5:30 pm
Pre-Congress Workshop (Room C23)
SIG Africa Session – “Reversing the Gaze – Project” or the concept of Tribe(s)
- Tebuho Winnie Kanyimba, PhD candidate University of Basle, humanities/sociology
- Matthias Claudio Maurer Rueda, PhD candidate Centre for African Studies, University of Basel
Both part of the research project “Reversing the Gaze”
Facilitator: Sibylle Ganz-Koechlin: Triple T, intercultural trainer, linguist; MEd, MPhil
Introduction to the interdisciplinary research project at the University of Basel “Reversing the gaze”, taking a close look at the terms and notions of “tribe”, nation, identity and the myths that come with these concepts:
- How do we translate concepts from Africa to Europe?
- What would it look like if we considered nations as tribes? And the other way around?
- What are similar aspects between nation and tribe? What are the differences
Come and participate in this workshop to discuss the concept of ‘tribe’ and how it might be transposed onto Switzerland, work on myths and their importance in building a shared identity as well as making sense of our surroundings and history.
6 - 6:15 pm
Informal Welcome by Organization Team (Aula)
Come and join the team as we walk together to the special location for the welcome cocktail.
From 6:30 pm
Welcome Cocktail & Networking at special location
Saturday, May 14, 2022
From 8 am
9 - 10:30 pm
Opening Session (Aula)
Welcome from SIETAR Switzerland, HEIG-VD & local authorities
Keynote Speakers:

Bobby Banerjee, Professor of Management, Associate Dean of Research & Enterprise, Bayes Business School, City, University of London
Interculturality, Sustainability and the Climate Emergency: A Decolonial Perspective
In this talk Bobby Banerjee will explore how contemporary discourses of sustainability are the outcome of historical legacies of colonialism. He argues for a more intercultural understanding of sustainability if our species wants to survive the climate emergency. In particular, he calls for a decolonial perspective that can confront historically rooted inequalities and generate new insights into understanding the challenges of sustainability.
Bobby Banerjee is Professor of Management and Associate Dean of Research & Enterprise at Bayes Business School, City University of London. He researches and teaches on corporate social irresponsibility, unsustainability, climate justice and decolonial resistance movements

Furkan Karayel, Author, Speaker and Lecturer
Inclusive Intelligence: How to be a Role Model for Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Furkan Karayel is multi award winning diversity and inclusion speaker and author of the best selling book “Inclusive Intelligence: How to be a Role Model for Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace”. Furkan lectures at the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Master’s program at Dún Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology. Her passion is leveraging women-in-tech leadership, diversity and empowering female founders globally.
Furkan founded after 10 years of software engineering experience in multinational tech companies in Ireland. She has been honoured with “Speaker of the Year”, “Diversity and Inclusion Role Model in Business” and “Trailblazer” Awards. Additionally, Furkan is an active speaker at international events where she shares her learnings about experiences of the tech world as a woman, her recommendations for inclusive leadership and the power of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
10:30 - 11 am
Break & Networking with Exhibition of Student Posters (Aula)
11 - 12:30 pm
Panel Session 1: Interculturality and Sustainable Development Goals (Aula)
Interculturality is without question a key dimension of sustainable development. The objective of this session is to present, discuss and explore SDG related visions, initiatives, and practices. Representatives from the fields of Education, Business, and Government will share their points of view. Our aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the interconnectedness between interculturality and sustainability, of the roles we play in this field (as global citizens and professionals), and of the working attitudes and methods that may enable long-term change.
- Danielle Hartmann , Global Diversity and Inclusion Partner, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd,
- Gerhard Schneider, PhD, Professor of Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility at the Business School at HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland at HEIG-VD Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et de Gestion du Canton de Vaud at Yverdon-les-Bains.
- David Ebanja, final year bachelor’s degree Student in International Management at the Wiesbaden Business School, Germany.
Session moderator:
- Pia Stalder , Associate Professor of Intercultural Management, HEIG-VD, HES-SO
12:30 - 2 pm
Lunch Break & Networking (Restaurant)
2 - 3:30 pm
Panel Session 2: Interculturality as a Cornerstone for a Sustainable Future – Applied Research (Aula)
We will present applied research results (models, methods, tips, good practice…) on interculturality for a sustainable future. The aims of this session are fivefold:
- Explore, present, and discuss research results transferrable to practice.
- Discuss the results of an Interculturality and Sustainable Development Goals project conducted by HEIG students in 2021-2022.
- Consider how the learnings from this research can be applied in a business context.
- Identify colleagues interested in actively researching and contributing to the elaboration of a publication of guiding principles of interculturality for a sustainable future. Following the research project, publish a scholarly article linking theory to practice for all organizations in need of guiding principles on interculturality in their (inter)national projects.
- Encourage contributions to The Swiss Journal of Intercultural Education, Training and Research.
- Susan Schärli-Lim, ZHAW Head of International Relations Institute of Nursing, created the “I DIVE” Reflection Tool and is the co-author of Intercultural Interactions for Health Professions/ Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Gesundheitsberufen.
- Eugenia Arvanitis, Associate Professor (University of Patras, Greece). Editor, The Swiss Journal of Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR Switzerland).
- Vincent Merk, Lecturer in intercultural management and community advisor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands, is currently researching the application of challenge-based learning (CBL) in the area of DEI.
- Jillaine Farrar, HSLU Professor and co-author of a book chapter “Co-leading an International Collaborative Team: Relationships Matter”, is currently researching the intercultural part of SME Internationalization.
Session moderators: Jillaine Farrar and Gundhild Hoenig
For further discussion opportunities, participants are encouraged to bring with them good practice examples of how theory meets practice in interculturality for a sustainable future.
3:30 - 4 pm
Break & Networking with Exhibition of Student Posters (Aula)
4.00 - 5 pm
Wrap up - Panel Sessions (Aula)
From 7 pm
Cocktail & Gala Dinner
Sunday, May 15, 2022
10 - 11.30 am
Interactive Intercultural Learning Activities - Presentations and Demonstrations (Room E03)
Session moderator: Sabine Eve Baerlocher: Intercultural Networker, Cultural & Religious Diversity Trainer, Adviser and Lecturer