Rethinking Intercultural Interaction Through Digital Media – Workinar 2 – World Café Style

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Date(s) - 08/06/2020
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Following the immense success of our first  WORKINAR* in March 2020, SIETAR Switzerland is inviting you to a second session on June 8th 2020. This time, we will focus on experiences and key learnings via an online World Café Exploration.

We will focus on experiences and key learnings via an online World Café Exploration.

Interestingly enough, we can see a shift in human interactions. We have realized that some people are thriving in the current situation even though they weren’t contributing as much previously. People are taking leadership roles they hadn’t before.

Others seem to be hiding from the screen, not fulfilling the new challenges and adapting to necessary changes.

How can we rethink interculturalism today and in times of crisis?

Join us for this interactive world café and participate to the evolution of interculturalism in the digital world.

We therefore invite you to join us for this highly interactive event:

Monday, June 8, 2020
18 to 20 hour CET (6 to 8 pm CEST )

To register click here 
In the registration we ask you some questions which will help us organize the different working groups for the World Café. We will of course use them confidentially and delete everything right after the workinar.
You don’t have to answer them all but we would be really grateful if you do because it would help with ensuring a highly interactive session.


This online event is free for all SIETARians throughout the World
Friends and Followers :
CHF 10.-/participant.

Payment :
Upon registration/before the date of the webinar through our account
Zürcher Kantonalbank, Bahnhofstr. 9, 8001 Zürich
Account no. 1100-6323.482
IBAN CH58 0070 0110 0063 2348 2
Swift ZKBKCHZZ80A Please add a reference indicating your name and the date and title of the webinar


*For more info on what is a workinar