Business Toolbox: “Interkulturelle Kompetenz” by Prof. Andrea Cnyrim (SIETAR Germany) – (Review by Angela Weinberger)

This German booklet on intercultural competence gives a good overview of the topic and uses layman’s language to explain basics of intercultural dimensions, culture standards and differences based on research by Hofstede, Trompenaars, and Hall. The booklet also gives ideas on how to develop intercultural competence and has pragmatic examples, that are relevant in today’s business world. An example is feedback culture and how German managers are often perceived as harsh and unfriendly when giving feedback.

German managers are willing to listen to such tips as often they do not intend to be unfriendly, but it is the way they are brought up. It would be helpful to have a similar booklet in English, especially if you would like to give it out in training. If you are a German-speaking internationally mobile manager the booklet is ideal for you, especially when you are confronted with intercultural communication for the first time. Due to its pocketbook size, it can be easily read on a plane or train ride to your next international business negotiation. I recommend this booklet.

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